quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2011


Reading – Text: “The ancient building”

Roman architecture was influenced by the Greeks and so there were many similarities such as the use of arches, columns and pillars. There is not very much difference for example, between Roman and Greek temples.
In ancient Roman towns and cities streets were narrow and space was limited therefore houses tended to be small. Buildings were a variety of shapes and sizes, including apartment blocks.
There were attempts at structural regulation, including a height limit and a minimum space between buildings. It also became mandatory for a flat roofed portico across the façade of adjacent buildings, to facilitate firefighting.
A popular features was the atrium, a reception room with its own roof which sloped inwards and had a central opening. It channeled rainwater which was collected and used in the household.
Greek cities were renowned for their public building, altars and temples. Houses were usually built around a courtyard; any windows on the outer walls of the house tending to be small and able to be closed with shutters.

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